Birds of a feather

Birds of a Feather is an animated short film that follows a man and his struggle with his identity, projected anxieties and relationships over the course of an evening. He has to contend with his insecurities with being seen with another man and his fear as feathers start to grow from his body.

The film explores the worries and upset a person can face from both internalised and externalised homophobia. Ultimately, it draws on current events, such as the horrific attack in the Pulse bar in Orlando, and explore how even now the LGBT community can still find itself under attack and where that fear and hatred can come from.

“An emotionally wresting animation that packs as much punch into its four and a half minutes as most features do in two hours”

Fringe! Queer Film Fest



Dann Parry


Mau Loseto


Maria Gîlicel on Violin

Nazil Erdogan on Viola

Carolina Bartumeu on Cello

Lucia Polo Moreno on Double Bass


Kate Peachman 

Production Assistants

Jack Brown

India Stewart

© Royal College of Art, Dann Parry. MMXVII


Apple Tree


Without Fair Trials